Hosting a Seminar
Hosting a Seminar
Help your players get more enjoyment from their game during social distancing. Through a Zoom Webinar you can get the group back together and reinvigorated about bridge. I have a huge library of topics listed below. There is something for every level and interest. See great testimonials below!
Seminar Name | Level 1-5 | Type | Sub-type | Description |
30 Seconds to Taking More Tricks
| 2 | Declarer
| Play | Learn what to think about when dummy comes down and also learn the two best ways to get extra tricks
Lebensohl Over a Weak Two Doubled
| 5 | Bidding
| Convention
| Learn the use of space saving relays and their ability to solve otherwise nasty problems.
New Minor Forcing
| 3 | Bidding
| Convention
| A fresh approach to a critical convention. NMF is a must learn convention for any duplicate player.
Two-Way New Minor Forcing
| 5 | Bidding
| Convention
| An effective but totally new approach to your minor suit oriented auctions. A sea change from original NMF.
Basics of Squeeze Play
| 5
| Declarer
| Play
| Basic Technique; Threats, Losers, Timing, Entries
Elimination Plays
| 5 | Declarer
| Play
| Mastering the technique; includes discussion of endplays
Advanced Stayman Auctions (2M rebid)
| 4 | Declarer
| Convention
| Showing the fit; FG bids, Splinters, Baze, Delayed Jacoby Transfers
Loser on Loser Plays
| 4 | Declarer
| Play
| There are 10 types of Loser on Loser plays. I'll choose ones appropriate for your group.
Quantitative Notrump Auctions
| 4 | Bidding
| Convention
| Understanding the many uses and responses to a seemingly simple bid
Advanced Lebensohl
| 4
| Bidding
| Competitive
| Using After a Weak Two is Doubled and After a Reverse
Basic Lebensohl
| 4
| Bidding
| Competitive | Understanding a Relay, Use over NT openings
Roman Key Card Blackwood
| 4
| Bidding
| Convention
| RKB is an effective upgrade. Learn the queen ask and specific kings.
Suit Preference Signals
| 3 | Defense | Play | How, When, and Why to give suit preference signals
Count Signals
| 3
| Defense
| Play | How, When, and Why to give count signals
Hold-up Plays
| 3 | Declarer
| Play
| Understanding Why You Hold-up and The Rule of 7
LSDUP (Long, Short, Dead, Uppercut, Promotion)
| 3
| Defense
| Play | Defending based on Dummy's hand and shape. An unusual but unusually effective way to plan a defense.
Control Showing Bids
| 3
| Bidding | Strategy
| Definition of controls and using a control showing bid to facilitate slam bidding
Using The Auction to Determine Your Lead
| 3
| Defense
| Opening Lead
| Use The Auction to determine Trump, Aggressive, or Passive Type Lead and which suit to lead
Advanced Stayman Auction (2D rebid)
| 3 | Bidding
| Convention
| Smolen, Delayed Texas Transfers
Preempts & Bidding Over Partner's Preempt
| 3 | Bidding
| Strategy
| Focuses on Position and Vulnerability and Partner's Expectations
Advanced Losing Trick Count
| 2 | Bidding | Evaluation
| Builds on Basic LTC and adds additional uses.
Attitude Signals
2 | Defense
| Play | How, When, and Why to give attitude signals
Opening Leads
| 2
| Declarer | Play
| Please consult with me; I will teach your style as my style is not widely accepted (Aor Q = attitude, K for count)
Using the Dummy Wisely
| 2 | Declarer
| Play | Pausing at Trick One to Make a Plan. Evaluating how dummy can help you and then following the plan.
Crossruffs | 2
| Declarer
| Play
| Mastering the technique; includes rules and many pitfalls
Suit Establishment
| 2
| Declarer
| Play | Choosing the correct plan as declarer
| 2
| Declarer
| Play
| Using Entries Wisely and how to create an entry
Timing | 2
| Declarer
| Play
| Understanding Timing and How it affects declarer's plan
Support Showing Cuebids
| 2 | Bidding
| Agreements | What is a cuebid and what does it show?, When does it show support? When does it show a control?
Bidding After Takeout Doubles
| 2 | Bidding
| Agreements
| Advancer's rules and agreements
Bidding After Overcalls
| 2
| Bidding
| Agreements
| Advancer's rules and agreements
Covering Honors
| 2 | Defense | Play
| When and more importantly why we cover honors
Rule of 11
| 2 | Defense | Play
| Using the Rule of 11 for third hand play and declarer
Basic Losing Trick Count (LTC)
| 2
| Bidding
| Evaluation
| Learn how to count losers and why losers may be an effective evaluation method.
Fitting Honors
| 2
| Bidding
| Evaluation
| 1st and Original Seminar written by Kevin. On Hand Evaluation! Uses location of honors instead of pure HCP to evaluate.
Hand Evaluation Methods & The Rule of 20
| 1 | Bidding
| Evaluation
| Discusses basic evaluation methods; HCP, quick tricks, married honors, tenaces, and the Rule of 20 and 20+2
| 1
| Defense | Strategy
| The reasons why we overcall and best practices
Takeout Doubles
| 1
| Defense
| Convention
| The requirements and uses of takeout doubles
Basic Stayman
| 1
| Bidding
| Convention
| How to find a major fit and how responder shows strength after a 1NT opening
Kevin is personable, enthusiastic, organized, and interacts excellently with the students. His handouts were clear and professional, and his approach to the topics was both fresh and valuable. Both the students and the more experienced helpers we had on hand agreed. At the conclusion of both seminars, evaluations were passed out. His students responded with 96% “excellent” and 4% “very good”. (“Good”, “Fair”, and “Poor” were available but not selected.)
--- Jack Brawner, manager of Naples Bridge Center in Naples, FL (11th largest club in ACBL)
Kevin Wilson recently presented a half-day seminar at the Asheville, NC Bridge Room. The evaluations were overwhelmingly positive with 86% rating it excellent and 14% rating it very good, the two highest possible ratings. The only suggestion for improvement was to make the sessions longer. Kevin has an engaging style, an encyclopedic knowledge of Bridge, and outstanding communication skills. We will definitely have him back!
--- Lee Wilcox, VP, Asheville, NC Bridge Room
If you don't want your opponents preempting in front of you at every opportunity, don't invite Kevin to speak to your Bridge Group. If you prefer your opponents to be sloppy about re-evaluating their hands during the bidding, don't invite Kevin to speak to your Bridge group. If you prefer meek opponents who never get in the way of your nice, orderly auctions, don't invite Kevin to come and speak to your Bridge group. However, if you ARE the opponents, and would enjoy being a feisty, pesky, and more talented opponent to everyone including your closet bridge friends, sign up as soon as you possibly can for one of Kevin's seminars. He will change the level of your play in one afternoon - guaranteed. I know because I've been on the receiving end from my own Bridge Group.
--- Susan Crutchfield, Blue Ridge, NC Bridge Club
Our club was especially pleased with the seminar conducted by Kevin. It was our first such event, and members were somewhat skeptical. The instruction was clear and reinforced by the play of the hands. By the end, everyone was excited and were immediately asking when we could bring him back for another event. It was effortless to coordinate with Kevin's wife Jennifer. We will have him back!
--- Linda James, Melborne, FL Bridge Club
A good Bridge Pro should have ample amounts of skill and knowledge. A Bridge presenter should have a comfortable presence in front of an audience, have enough humor and casualness to put the audience at ease, enough experience to answer any question, and enough knowledge to have a multitude of topics to offer. A great presenter can do all that for any type of audience. I have seen several of Kevin Wilson’s presentations and have ALWAYS come way super-satisfied that I just gained a wealth of new knowledge (even when I thought I already knew the topic). I am a bridge teacher and author myself and I tell my students “If you get a chance to hear Kevin speak, do it. He is the best teacher I have ever heard”.
--- Jim Ricker, author of Beginning Bridge Using 2 Over 1, The 2/1 Gold Card series, Bridge Teacher, Director and Club Owner